Since 2004 has helped individuals and companies start, and grow their business online. We are located in the United States with support staff, and clients served globally.

Mobile Marketing

Pay Per Click (PPC) Management

Conversion Rate Optimization

Search Engine Domination

Online Presence Analysis

Fell Free To contact Us

We want to hear from you and learn more about your business, and where you’re at on your online journey.


New York City


104 Hawkins Street


Exclusivity Agreement SEO, SEM, Web Design, SMM / Exclusivity Agreement

Client Exclusivity Agreement

What is our Exclusivity Agreement, and why do we limit ourselves to it?

The Exclusivity Agreement was created to provide certain clients the ability to enter into an service Exclusivity Agreement with our company. Our Exclusivity Agreement pertains specifically to clients that sign up for our Dominate Service Plan & Elite SEO service.

Why do we provide an Exclusivity Agreement for clients that sign up for our SEO Dominate Services (Local SEO Domination)? The answer is because we can only dominate the local search engines for one niche, in one geographic area. Promising two individuals, or companies the ability to dominate their local search market, for the same keywords, targeting the same geographic region would mean that someone was getting short changed; in actuality lied to!

Our Exclusivity Agreement is binding on a first come, come serve basis. Once an individual or company signs up for our Dominate, or Local SEO Domination service we cannot provide these services (Dominate or Local SEO Domination) to another individual or company in the same niche (same keywords) targeting the same geographic area (town, city, county, etc)

Promising two individuals, or companies the ability to dominate their local search market, for the same keywords, targeting the same geographic region would mean that someone was getting short changed; in actuality lied to!

Client Exclusivity Terms Of Service

Client Exclusivity begins immediately upon the successful first payment for our Dominate or Local SEO Domination services. If individual or company demonstrates a desire to enter into an Exclusivity Agreement with the agreement is NOT binding until the successful first payment of said services has been received.

Procrastinating or not immediately processing the first payment successfully to begin receiving the services outlined as part of our Dominate or Local SEO Domination services allows other individuals or companies the opportunity to enter into such agreement with, essentially eliminating you from such ability.

Client Exclusivity terminates immediately upon the unsuccessful payment for the renewal period of our Dominate or Local SEO Domination services.

ANY / ALL services provided, offered, and managed as part of said services immediately terminate, including but not limiting to any advertisement display, content creation, content/advertisement syndication, third party services, Paid Search Advertising Management, Social Media Services, access to reports, dashboards, tips, guides, or other proprietary software, documents, or support.

A client may re-institute a previously terminated Exclusivity Agreement with under two conditions:

1.) The niche and geographical location is still open/available for individuals or companies to request/enter into agreement with If another individual or company enters into a successful Dominate or Local SEO Domination Exclusivity Agreement with for the desired niche or geographical areas you will be denied your request.

2.) The first payment must be successfully processed.

ANY previous work, stored documents, past efforts, dedicated account/project managers, resources, dashboards, reports, third party services, and ANY previous benefits or results based upon a previous Exclusivity Agreement or service provided by is not guaranteed to transfer / carry over into the new agreement. Each new Service or Exclusivity Agreement begins new from the time of payment whether it is the first payment ever made to 10Tier LLC, or a payment based upon a re-instituted Service or Exclusivity Agreement.

It is 100% the responsibility to make sure that all files, content, reports, documents, and access credentials are acquired BEFORE the termination or unsuccessful payment for renewal of any service as all service and access points terminate upon the unsuccessful payment for the renewal period of any service offered by

Any client entering into an Exclusivity Agreement with (10Tier LLC) acknowledges that they have read, fully understand, and are bound by all terms outlined within these Terms Of Service.