Compounding Earnings with Residual Income Opportunities
Compounding Earnings
This article looks into compounding earnings with residual income opportunities, specifically residual income that can be created first by your actions and efforts, and then more powerfully through others efforts and actions. Also referred to as multi tier or multi level residual income opportunities.
Most people work hard every day, most very hard. Most work very hard every day for other people, bosses, companies, your actions making others residual income. The whole idea of this article and the topics of compounding earnings is to provide a basic overview of options we all have to begin building greater wealth with income based on actions that will eventually reward you time and time again, first on your hard work, and then on others.
What Does Compounding Mean?
The ability of an asset to generate earnings, which are then reinvested in order to generate their own earnings. In other words, compounding refers to generating earnings from previous earnings.
Residual Income Opportunities can help you compound earnings that will help you achieve financial independence. Financial independence means you have a monthly income that will allow you the freedom to go where you want when you want, so you can spend the time with those you love most while not having to worry about money again. Residual income opportunities based on multi tier or multi level payment systems can provide tremendous compounding earnings, here’s why.
Return on Effort vs Return On Investment
ROE: A Transformational Business
The business model that is transforming the business world is Network Marketing; the most powerful being multi tier or multi level residual income opportunities. Most people have heard of ROI, Return on Investment, however ROE is also important, specifically for those who do not have much money to invest. ROE is Return on Effort. Network Marketing and Residual Income Opportunities are business models with maximum ROE.
Network Marketing is a transformational business, not just a transactional business. It has been called by various names- multi-level marketing, relational marketing, word of mouth marketing, and many others, but most important it should be thought of as a tremendous income opportunity. With residual income opportunities, focusing on the initial effort, you can build true wealth and a continuous stream of income, based upon your initial efforts and then capitalizing on the compounding earnings time and time again.
Even more powerful, maximizing your ROE, is residual income opportunities that not only pay you on your actions (sales or referrals) but on those that you bring into the opportunity.
Let me explain.
Multi Tier Income Opportunities, multi level marketing, multi level income opportunities, what do these terms mean? These opportunities mean one thing. They signify a system that not only pays you on all sales or referrals you make, but on all of the action (sales or referrals) anyone under you makes. Under you, your downline, your organization, this all means those that you bring into the business opportunity you first joined and now all of the sales or referrals they make will earn you a commission or percentage of the sale or referral made. This is an extremely powerful way to capitalize on your initial efforts. Your ROE will compound and continue to build tremendous earnings if you initially worked hard to lay the foundation for success.
The most important concept here is not if you will achieve success but that you are participating in a business opportunity that has the potential to earn you tremendous income.
The power of Network Marketing and all residual income opportunitiesis the simplicity of the system, the inexpensive investment to start, the literally unlimited possibilities in earning power, the residual income and leverage, the rewards of travel and writing vacations off your taxes, and having fun!
To wrap up this article we hope we have provided you with some basic information about Return on Effort, residual income opportunities, multi tier and multi level income opportunities and the tremendous potential these SYSTEMS provide as opposed to the 9 – 5 work for others ‘job’ model many find themselves stuck in. is proud to provide one of the greatest 10 Tier residual income opportunity ever offered with over 18 streams of residual income opportunities offered!